Monday, December 31, 2007

weight loss 101

gastric bypass surgery :: or What ?

An invasive procedure that reduced the size of Your stomach and leave You unable to eat big meals.
First You must change Your eating habits.
And You will undergo a battery of medical and psychological changers.
Are You ready for a great life-changing experience?

"It's a high-risk procedure.
When someone is overweight, there's a lot that goes into that.
You must understand that this is not a quick fix. This is a lifestyle change."

With the bariatric program You must also confront emotional issues.
"When you're 100 or 200 pounds, you don't get a lot of attention,"
I know you will say "i got this and that" but are you sure?

Before you seek out this operation, can You begin losing weight on Your own ?
ideally, as much as 10 percent of Your total body weight within six months.

"It's easily attainable," will show you how.
but the requirement is more stringent than at many other programs, but they work.

The programs is, in a sense, a test. we use to weed out the on looker,
that is the ones that will not stay with us, they wast time that a fight coach have
very little of. their Inability to stick,lose some weight, or do the programs,
sends a warning to the coach: This person may not be committed to making
the major changes need to make a good fighter.

"You're making a lifestyle change,"
a would-be fighter must stop smoking, drinking, eating just anything he/she want,
and start to in day out.

the programs is a tool we use to get you to an ideal weight and fitness level,"
"It not a lifelong commitment, but you will see resualts forever.
as a fight coach, I am committed to you and your sucess."

The Chikwang fitness programs is not rocket science,"
"It is simple good nutrition and exercising. It's basic."

Yes You can use the Chikwang's Pro Fighter's programs to jump-start weight loss.
Why? because surgery isn't a sure thing.
Twenty percent of bariatric procedures in the United States fail,
mainly because follow-up and maintance care is lacking.

"If you don't follow the principles of the Chikwang's programs,
you can have initial success then fall back," or think thatYou can cheat these systems.
That's why you need to learn how to do it right."

Bariatric surgery is used to treat people whose obesity,
threatens their life or overall health .

The chikwang's programs just treat people, no surgery required!
"It gives you a slow and steady weight loss." and super charge fitness.

It's time for you to take action! and become a

Den Mate today (The dragon Speak's) go there sign up... it's free.

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