Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Weight Loss | 101



Weight loss |101

There are so many diet books and programs out there, in fact, Amazon lists over 200,000 books just on this subject.
I consider myself a semi-professional dieter, You name one and I been on it at one time other another .Atkins,



South Beach,

Weight Watchers,

Slim fast,

3-Day Fast,

Air Diet,

water diet .........   ECT:.

And You know what, none and I mean none of them worked for me.  For a time    I still had a big belly and a fat ass.

I was fortunate enough to find a program and the help I needed.( Tell you in a few).

Yes my life turn around, lean - mean - fighting machine, oh! and good looking........

Now I can speak from my own experience with weight struggles as well as a professional experience coach. What makes these programs so different from other fads diet and books is that it support your core desire about losing weight -

Your desire to have a fit, healthy body.......

You see, eating well, exercising and taking care of your body is more than just something you need to do, it's a way of life.

If dieting is just something you do, your decision should be at this point is don't start these programs (I hate to not reach my goals).

The decision for your weight loss must come from such a deep desire that, you have no other option but to lose the weight.

decide now that you never want to live another unhealthy day, fat and out of shape.

I have first-hand experience with weight loss (fat) and how I tackle it. a very personal story about how it affected me in a good way. (See coach's story)Well, here I go, at the risk of exposing some of my privet felling and emotional baggage to a group of unknown readers.

my mind, body and spirit resisted change and craves consistency and comfort. Like eating and my bad eating habits.

Wen it came time for that defining moment of decision, "do I go to the gym or relax on the couch?" or "should I order the salad or the hamburger?" I automatically went back to what I was familiar with.

I had no Core Desire to lose the weight which is why diets failed me in the past.

I was not seeking improvement and would not face the sacrifices that would produce results.

A guy I met in the gym fired up my motivation (coach's story) to "losing weight." and "looking good ." This time, my motivation comes from within:

It that time ! Mind Over Body (coach's story) what the s&*it??????


story board 2...........................Weight loss 101?
I recommend that you follow these programs for exercises, and refer to a more detailed exercise/training book for working with weights here (the dragon's Den).

You know in Your heart, that You must take care of Your body,

So choose carefully (become a den Mate). Your body is Your temple,    so take control build a beautiful body.(click here) become a Den mate.............

Weight loss information is finite. Everything you actually need to know about it already exists and has existed for quite some time… It has not changed, and it never will change, It will never improve.

It will never become easier, nor will it become harder.

It's hard work to keep up, the eating instructions in the guide about eating less processed food and more vegetables. Protein. most people don't eat enough lean sources. It's a complex and individual area so it's hard to make a recommendation but eat more protein rather than just meeting the minimum to avoid starvation, There are a number of benefits listed in other articles at the chikwang.

Recipes. People eat food not calories. Now the chikwang offer you have a guide to the makeup of your meals, seek out real food that tastes good that meets those recommendations.

Do anything else and even those with amazing will power will be bored.

By using the chikwang programs, I would never go back to bland ‘healthy' food.

Vegetables. they fill you up without being full of empty calories, (especially good for those recovering from injury or aged over 25).

I eat vegies ( 1-3 portions ) with every meal or snack, even breakfast.

My take on Aerobic exercise. There is no doubt the any type of aerobic exercise will help you lose weight.

if you have a few hours a day in order to do enough for them to work, but you know what? do something you enjoy that gets your sweat on:

At this point, Anything will do, A couple of hours of activity a week (spread over 4-5 days) should do it, but the more the better.

Weight training is essential for losing fat without losing muscle.

Something is better than nothing but shoot for about 3 hours a week of gym time if you can.

For me this is the most important weight loss factor after eating less. It boils down to 'saving' your starchy foods (bread, pasta, potatoes, rice) until after you have exercised.

You heard right, eat after a good work out..... You will find out why a little later....

Cheating. It's almost impossible to go on a diet for any serious amount of time without lapsing now and again, The trick to this is to manage the lapses. which is one reason you eat after a good work out...

You can easily go off the plans a couple of times a week without it causing problems, It's very motivating to know that if you have been ‘good' all week you can scoff your favorite meal on Saturday night.

A good coach make sure you cheat, but not often.

Even if you don't want to lose weight and just want to get stronger and better looking like me, the chikwang's programs will help.

This is what happens with yo-yo dieting. Lose 10 pounds, gain 15. Lose 20 pounds, gain 30. Lose 30 pounds … you get the picture. It's not just about losing weight but how to lose weight and keep it off. Weight loss diets don't work for most dieters.

but they do certainly works for some people, those who goes on a diet to lose five pounds – and those five pounds stay off. Diets don't work for people with chronic weight problems. They need a life style change.

Weight Loss and Diet Program for You! you can now get the most up-to-date and accurate information for a trimmer, healthier life style. 50 million Americans go on a diet each year.

There are now literally thousands of weight loss products and programs on the market.

wow so many different choices. weight loss programs,

pills and various other products.

weight loss 101 Reviews:

Our goal ?     To get you started learning the most popular and effective weight loss and diet programs on the market,

formulated with information gain by 30 years in the ring by pro fighters.

by using these programs you will stand head and shoulders above the rest.

The chikwang's programs is probably one of the most cutting edge weight loss program ever made.

What is so impressive about this is we at the Chikwang can honestly say that we have tested them all.

contains the proven ingredients to be MORE and just truly an awesome effective

It literately takes cake when it come to weight loss!

The results are astonishing.

More information to come.........
In the mean time become my den mate!  The dragon Speak’s    Http://www.coachkwang.9f.com/order.html  In order to sign up for this free membership....

P.S.  Nothing to buy, cause we don’t sell anything..........

   email: coach@coachkwang.9f.com         th_4724c093c6355784679361_l

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Weight loss 101

You Can Do all of these at Home to burn Fat
You don't need fancy machines or expensive gym memberships
to build that body of your dreams..

By using  dumb bells, you can do even more exercises, and
increase the level  of your  exercises.
Don’t go to another stinky, overpriced commercial gym ever again.

exercising at home, you'll get your workouts done
in the same amount of time as it would take to drive to the           
gym and back. And not worry about how you look to other.

Here  exercises you can do at home to lose fat and
build muscle, helping you burn  fat .

put these exercises together in difference order, you can
get a total body  workout done in only
20 minutes to  45 minutes.

lower body exercises  build  butt and legs.

1. Squats

2. Leg Curls (you could use a stability balls,  get them for only $20 at almost any  store)

3. Lying hip extensions

4. Lying single leg hip extensions

5. Split Squats
( stationary lunge, one foot out as far as you can go, and back, repeat with other foot)

6. Split Squats with your back foot elevated 6 inches

7. Reverse Lunges

8. Forward Lunges

9. Step ups ( I use a cinder block or two )

10. 1-Leg Squats

  I use   dumb bells to increase the challenge.

A good fighter need and must have big guns (arms)
To work your arms and your chest, you can do all sorts of

1. Regular pushups

2. Close-grip pushups

3. Pushups with your feet elevated

4. Pushups with one hand elevated

5. My favorite, most difficult pushup, "Spiderman Pushups"

6.  Incline Pushups or the lady Kneeling Pushups.  Along with
chest presses

incline presses

shoulder presses

Finally, the good stuff exercises such as:

1. Planks (and side planks) tough of your fat but worth it...

2. Mountain Climbers

3. l Jackknives

4.  Roll outs

5. The Ab Work out

So that's our basic  fat burning exercises you can do at  home. And by doing   variations or
adding a little weights, changing hand position can actually  give you more exercises then on 
this list .        
don’t know what some of the name refer to? Don’t worry the next article will explain all of this.
Just come back tomorrow..........

Hey! why don't you become a Den mate?  http://www.coachkwang.9f.com

Daily work outs, diets, good cooking and more,,, The Dragon's den.....

You'll a wimp? then don't go there....... but if you want to set up you weight lose and fitness, become a den mate today http://www.coachkwang.9f.com

You can email me at   coach@coachkwang.9f.com

but don't call I:am busy writing.....................


I have more goo things for you over at  coachkwang.wordpress.com   go take a look.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

weight loss

Weight Loss

In the large and confusing world of dieting, there are many mistakes to be made, but for simplicity I have narrowed downthe field to five.

These five are the primary reason that most individuals run into issues with dieting.

Many people start a diet very motivated to do well.

They think They have a plan and know what they are going to do. The problem comes when mistakes are made.

First things first! Being inflexible and not counting on mistakes can put you on the road to diet failure.

When making a plan for adiet, you must include what will happen when you don’t exactlyfollow the plan.
You know what? Being too hard on yourself is a sure way to diet failure. Allowing Yourself to become too hungry is another mistake.

You must include enough low fat, low calorie foods to keep hunger pangs away.

If you are having stomach pains and still have two hours before dinner, you are in for trouble.

Now it's To hell with a diet! am I right or what? well I know for a fact that
A third diet mistake is denying yourself a specific category of food.

I eat just about any thing.
If you love certain type of food and vow never to eat them again, you are setting yourself up for failure.

One key to success is moderation. You must develop a diet that you can live with for the rest of your life if you want to be successful.

Allowing yourself any type of food in moderation will allow you to have successful diet.

I also know that a mistake is depending on diet alone.

In order to burn calories and lose weight, your metabolism must be charged up.

The chikwang Pro fighter's Programs will help you do this.

In order for your metabolism to be at peek performance, you must increase your heart ratethrough exercise each day, and that the way the world works.

set realistic goals, to over weight to touch your toes, andf you vow to lose ten pounds in one week, you will be very disappointed.

If you did manage to do this in one week, it would be water weight that would be lost as soon as you drink again,
the weight would simply reappear quickly.

Now You should get The chikwang Pro fighter's Programs and follow the simple steps for weight loss success.

If you can keep up, and the programs make it easy , you should beable to successfully lose two to three pounds per week.

Take action to weight lose now! become a Den Mate


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Thursday, January 3, 2008

Chikwang dojo

Pro Fighter's Fitness programs.


Are You really confused

about the way to get rid of Your body fat. Many factors contribute to this confusion but the main one, in my opinion, are the infomercials that appear on T.V.  

as well as articles written in magazines with less than up to date information, and a lot of BS. Let's eliminate this confusion, with the Chikwang rules of fat loss.

I have my fighters follow these rules in order to achieve maximum permanent fat loss along with increased muscle tone.


[ Consume less calories than your body burns for five days a week. ] You need to consume approximately 500 calories less than what your body burns (maintenance amount) if you do not create a caloric deficit, no matter what you do, you will not lose fat!

However, it is important that after a few days you increase your calories by 700 over the maintenance amount. This is necessary in order to prevent the metabolism from slowing down.


Watch the mirror, not your dam weight scale. put on muscles put on a few good pounds, we are looking for fat loss here.

Be more concerned with the way you look in the mirror and your waist size rather than with your body on the weight in the scale.

as such the scale do not distinguish between the amount of fat and muscle that you have.

don't be nearly as concerned with the weight as You shoul be with the way you look in the mirror and your waist size.

reason ? fact that as you begin your weight training you will start gaining muscle mass.

As you gain muscle mass you will put weight on.

your scale will tell you that you are still overweight and that your weight not moving,

but you are actually making progress as you are losing fat and gaining muscle.


Concentrate on weight training exercise for losing fat..........

Tomorrow, the rest of the story,


The coach     coach@coachkwang.9f.com  become a Den Mate Now!