Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Pro fighter's Fitness Program

a lean, flat stomach takes time and patience, The lower abdominal fat and "love handles" can be two of the most stubborn and exercise-resistant areas from which to lose abdominal fat. You can use the latest new-fangled abdominal fat device or do countless sit ups, side bends, and leg raises every day, all to no avail. the correct combination of proper diet, aerobic exercise, abdominal training, and weight training work better then anything. The first thing you need to realize is that it is impossible to "spot reduce" fat from one specific part of the body. Fat loss occurs systemically, meaning that you can’t control where the fat comes from. When you burn fat for energy, you will draw it from all areas of the body,

Hello and greeting from the Coach! I am Coach Ratliff, of Tucson, AZ. USA Why Coach? That what I do, Karate, boxing and more. Been doing this for over 40 years. Why write to You? To introduce myself, this is no way a sale letter or one trying to get you to buy anything at all. But just to get to know You and You me.

You can write me at ( Any time.

I have thousand of programs and letter or ebooks on fitness and weight loss. By the way did I tell you that I am a boxing coach, who have over 300 fights.

Pro fighter know how to keep fit and that just a fact.

P.S. If you see a form to join a newsletter (The dragon Speaks) that us here at the Chikwang. It give information, programs, books and more on fitness, weight loss and more, so if you see this form* sign up, become a Den Mate. The Coach.

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